Definition of "exuvium"
plural exuvia or exuviums
Things inclining to ashes, and soot, and excrements of metals, and the exuviums or mulls of bodies Melters suppose may be taken and gotten off safely in a roasting or calcining fire, they make a great fire of wood under them, roast or calcine the metal..... Of ‘’Ignis candens’’, or of the glowing fireThis fire is purposely ordered upon metalline bodies, it consumeth them, being their matter is naturally inclined thereunto: This fire is of great concernment, making their bodies very malleable, their exuvium’s stay on the Float, and is the best quality they have, that they put off in that glowing the thing which will be gone, and the good thereof remains.
1671 Basil Valentinus, monke of the order of St Bennet: The last will and testament
I have sent you by Mrs. Alice Peirce, a skinne of the palme of a woemans hand, cast of at the end of a fever, or in the declination thereof; I called it exuvium palmæ muliebris, the Latin word being exuvia in the plurall, butt I named it exuvium, or exuvia in the singular number.
1679 Sir Thomas Browne in a letter to his son Edward