Definition of "galah"
plural galahs
A pink and grey species of cockatoo, Eolophus roseicapilla, native to Australia.
The Galah has benefited from changes in the environment brought about by human activities (Rowley, 1990; Saunders and Ingram, 1995; Forshaw, 2002). The Galah′s diet is predominantly seeds, especially those from cereal crops and agricultural weeds.
2005, David Lindenmayer, Mark A. Burgman, Practical Conservation Biology, page 175
(Australia, slang) A fool, an idiot.
‘But, Sergeant, I reckon a man would look a proper galah falling about with an empty rifle, going click, click, click, “bang you′re dead” when he wasn′t doing rifle drill on parade, like when it′s not official, know what I mean?’ one of the infantrymen volunteers.
1999, Bryce Courtenay, Solomon's Song, unnumbered page