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plural persuaders
One who, or that which, persuades. quotations examples
[…] purſued his vnneighbourly purpoſe in ſuch ſort: that hee being the ſtronger perſwader, and ſhe (belike) too credulous in beleeuing or elſe ouer-feeble in reſiſting, from priuate imparlance, they fell to action; and continued their cloſe fight a long while together, vnſeene and vvithout ſuſpition, no doubt to their equall ioy and contentment.
1620, Giovanni Bocaccio, translated by John Florio, The Decameron, Containing an Hundred Pleaſant Nouels: Wittily Diſcourſed, Betweene Seuen Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen, Isaac Iaggard, Nouell 8, The Eighth Day
(printing, historical, colloquial) A tool used to pack the type into the form. quotations
Next fit the quoins, using the “persuader” to squeeze in the pages, and tap up all around.
1898, John Southward, Modern Printing: A Handbook of the Principles and Practice of Typography and the Auxiliary Arts
(television) An electrode that directs electrons into a multiplier. quotations examples
These electrons are guided to the second dynode by the resultant electric field of this dynode and the persuader.
1953, Stanley William Amos, D. C. Birkinshaw, Television Engineering, Principles and Practice, page 108